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Areola reduction in Djerba:

aesthetic operation areola reduction in Djerba

                Among the cosmetic surgeries practiced in Djerba International Polyclinic, our cosmetic surgeon also practice the areola reduction operation. Indeed, the nipple is made of two parts, the areola and nipple same. The nipple is the fleshy hill that rises in the center while the areola is the pigmented skin surrounding the nipple.

                On average areola has a diameter of 4.5cm. Too much areola can be corrected easily in our clinic in Djerba Under local anesthesia. It is possible that too much areola causes breast prose. If our patient opts for a breast reduction or breast lift, the areola is reduced at the same time to the desired size.

                A Polyclinique Djerba Internationale, une réduction de l’aréole peut également être effectuée sans interventions chirurgicales supplémentaires. Notre chirurgien enlève la peau pigmentée autour du mamelon ou de l’aréole à l’aide d’une petite incision autour de la partie extérieure du mamelon ou de l’aréole. Cette intervention laisse une petite cicatrice autour de l’aréole. Il faut savoir qu’une réduction de l’aréole préserve les canaux lactifères. Breastfeeding is therefore no problem.

                You should know that in our clinic in Djerba is always necessary to provide for our patients an interview with our cosmetic surgeon prior to plastic surgery to better councilors and informed of the progress of their aesthetic operations.


               Back: Plastic surgery.

                See as well:
                Intervention chest: Mammal augmentation.
                Intervention chest: Breast augmentation: Breast prosthesis.
                Intervention chest: Breast augmentation: Breast Implants.
                Intervention chest: Breast reduction.
                Intervention chest: Lifting breasts.
                Intervention chest: Mastopexy.
                Intervention chest: Nipples returned.
                Intervention chest: Surgery nipples.


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