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Chin surgery in Djerba

Polyclinic Djerba International, the leading clinics in the south of Tunisia, offers these patients several expensive cosmetic surgery, or plastic surgery, among these aesthetic surgical operation it there's surgery amount.

            Polyclinic Djerba International, the leading clinics in the south of Tunisia, offers these patients several expensive cosmetic surgery, or plastic surgery, among these aesthetic surgical operation it there's surgery amount.

            The amount of surgery is none other than the operation which enables fixed and reshape the face and those of very simple way. This aesthetic surgery is a solution for insufficient or receding chin. Many people do not know that a chin implant allows concealed a large nose. Aesthetic surgery of the chin allows to perfectly place in conjunction with rhinoplasty (cosmetic surgery nose correction), a neck lift or facelift. Our cosmetic surgeon will inform you in more detail hard intervention that can offer you the result you want to have.

            Regarding the intervention dan a chin surgery, it is performed under general anesthesia and takes about an hour. Our cosmetic surgeon makes an incision under the chin or mouth dan. Then he will position the chin implant below the chin muscles and beneath the periosteum of the jaw. Finally, it suture the incision. The incision in the mouth leaves no scars, but is at risk of infection higher. A chin implant is a silicone prosthesis. The mentalis implants are made in various shapes and sizes.

            Regarding post-operative care, you can make your home the same day of the chin surgery. During the first week, a compress on the outside is applied to the chin implant does not move. Normally it is possible that you can resume your work after a week of your operation. Bruising and swelling occur, but they will disappear around two weeks.

            Before starting your cosmetic surgery of the amount. A polyclinic Djerba International, we have a duty to provide a glimpse between our patient and our cosmetic surgeon specialist information on the operation and guided the purpose of its successful implementation.


                Back: Plastic surgery.

                See as well:
                Chin implant AND CORRECTION OF CHIN: Double chin.
                Chin implant AND CORRECTION OF CHIN: Neck lift.

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