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Eye Surgery: Surgery eyelids in Djerba

Among the different types of cosmetic surgery and especially in eyelid surgery, to Djerba International Polyclinic our cosmetic surgeons also make Postoperative care. Indeed, in most cases our patients can go home the same day of their eyelids operation. The first day, it is advisable to cool the area around the eyes with cold compresses, especially no contact with the eyes, that way any swelling pus disappear quickly. Similarly, we advise our patients to wear expensive sunglasses for at least the first week, and those protected your eyes from the light. It also allows you to hidden any swelling.

            Among the different types of cosmetic surgery and especially in eyelid surgery, to Djerba International Polyclinic our cosmetic surgeons also make Postoperative care. Indeed, in most cases our patients can go home the same day of their eyelids operation. The first day, it is advisable to cool the area around the eyes with cold compresses, especially no contact with the eyes, that way any swelling pus disappear quickly. Similarly, we advise our patients to wear expensive sunglasses for at least the first week, and those protected your eyes from the light. It also allows you to hidden any swelling.

            The stitches are removed between 4 and 7 days of your eyelid surgery. Since the eyelid skin is very thin, therefore it healed faster. Some months later, the scars of blepharoplasty become invisible. The scars of the upper eyelid are on a natural transition and the scar of the lower eyelid is located beneath the eyelashes.

            Most of our patients resume their work a week after their eyelid cosmetic surgery. One day after your after your cosmetic surgery of the upper eyelid, you can put your lenses. If there is a lower eyelid correction operation, you must wait one week before putting your lenses. But we recommend you avoided getting physical for two or three first weeks, it is also advisor with the head slightly raised the rest of the body (30 degrees).

            Finally, before making your cosmetic surgery of the eyelids is essential that our clinic (tel: 75623323) puts you in contact with our aesthetic surgeon and those to study your case and advise you before.


                Back: Plastic surgery.

                See as well:
                Eye Surgery: Blepharoplasty.
                Eye Surgery: Eyelids.
                Eye Surgery: Surgery rings.


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