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Lifting buttocks in Djerba:

Lifting of the buttocks at clinic djerba, Polyclinic Djerba International

                Polyclinique Djerba International, the leading clinic in Tunisia, offers patients the opportunity to facelike buttocks and those in well-equipped operating rooms and with an efficient technical team. Indeed, young people have firm buttocks, but over the years the buttocks can sag because of gravity and also because the elasticity of the skin decreases. Sagging of the buttocks is an aesthetic problem that affects mostly women. They get square buttocks due to collapse in the lower part and lack of volume in the upper part of the buttocks. It is in principle a phenomenon comparable to the collapse of the breasts. Pregnancy or weight loss can also influence the shape of the buttocks, it is possible that there is an excess of skin in the buttocks or crease of the leg.

                As for the surgery of the buttock lift, if the volume of the buttocks is quite developed, but there is an excess of skin, our surgeon opts for a gluteal lift. This procedure leaves a scar in the gluteal fold. A buttock lift takes place under general anesthesia and lasts about two hours. The incision in the body is sutured in a layer with a soluble thread. To suture the skin, our aesthetic surgeon uses non-soluble sutures. A butt lift can be performed in combination with a lipo sculpting adjacent areas and / or with an increase in buttocks.

                For post-operative care, our patient can return home on the same day as the buttock lift. The buttocks will be swollen and bruises may occur. A polyclinic Djerba Internationale we advise our patients to wear day and night a compression undergarment (compression bandage) during the first weeks after the buttock lifts.

               Back: Plastic surgery.

                See as well:
                Lifting of the thighs and buttocks: Buttocks prosthesis.
                Lifting of the thighs and buttocks: Lifting thighs.

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