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Nose Surgery in Djerba

A nose surgery has radical consequences, that is why cosmetic surgeon polyclinic Djerba International advises you to always take time and get briefed on the procedure of surgery of nose correction

A nose surgery has radical consequences, that is why cosmetic surgeon polyclinic Djerba International advises you to always take time and get briefed on the procedure of surgery of nose correction, and also on the postoperative treatment following cosmetic surgery of the nose.

            Immediately following your nose surgery, our aesthetic surgeon wicks up into the nose to prevent bleeding. These bits must remain in place for 24 hours and the patient must breathe through the mouth during this period, once removed these locks. The patient will have the stuffy nose sensation is due to the swelling of the mucosa. It is advised not to blow your nose for two weeks following surgery of the nose.

            After your nose surgery, a splint is applied in the presence of swelling and bruising is normal after a nose operation. These symptoms can be exacerbated during the 48 hours after your cosmetic surgery of the nose. Indeed, this edema can be unbalanced even if nose surgery is performed systematically.

            In order to decrease the swelling and bruising, we recommend with the head slightly elevated for example by using two ears so we recommend you sit or you walked a can during the day, keeping the head up. We also advise against any activity that makes you tension mounted as sport or moved objects. It also allowed you wore glasses provided it is stuck on your forehead.

            Finally, just after ten days after surgery of the nose, our cosmetic surgeon removes the bandage and see the difference immediately. The swelling and bruising will have practically disappeared. Most of our patients can resume their daily activities two weeks after their surgeries nose.

            Polyclinic Djerba International organizes you glimpsed with your cosmetic surgeon for you explained in detail the progress of your cosmetic surgery of the nose and you can still see it in case of complications after your surgery.


                Back: Plastic surgery.

                See as well:
                Rhinoplasty and correcting tip nose: rhinoplasty.
                Rhinoplasty and correcting tip nose: Surgery of the nose.

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