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Otoplasty Ears in Djerba

Polyclinic Djerba International is the leading clinics in Tunisia, containing most cosmetic surgeries, including those transactions that our aesthetic surgeon practicing in our operating rooms it there's cosmetic surgery of prominent ears.

            Polyclinic Djerba International is the leading clinics in Tunisia, containing most cosmetic surgeries, including those transactions that our aesthetic surgeon practicing in our operating rooms it there's cosmetic surgery of prominent ears.

            Indeed, this anomaly is very common, is has no impact on hearing. But from childhood, protruding ears can cause social and psychological problems. This is why we practice the surgeon detached ears which is a relatively simple procedure that can correct protruding ears and whose operation is performed under local anesthesia.

            There are several types of protruding ears; they are usually caused due to an inherited malformation of the cartilaginous skeleton of the pavilion. So we especially note 3 types of protruding ears. The antihelix is the name given to an ear with the center crease of the ear, the pavilion is too flat. The aesthetic surgical operation involves reshaping the cartilage. The helix is the name given when the edge of the ear, the ears are small and rounded, this type of anomaly is the hardest to fix. The third phenomenon is when the ear horn is too strongly developed; the ear is pushed outwards, accentuating her off appearance. Generally this type of protruding ears is associated with the two previous anomalies.

            How is the surgical treatment of ear peeled? Previous typology reveals that there are several types of protruding ears. The otoplasty ears unfold differently depending on the nature of the anomalies. Indeed, otoplasty is the correction of the shape of the cartilaginous skeleton by making an incision behind the pavilion. The surgeon then reshapes the cartilage and sometimes it takes a fragment of cartilage. In this way, the corner of the ear from the head will be closer and smaller. After our aesthetic surgeon stitches and puts a bandage that keeps the ear in the new position.

            The aesthetic surgery of Ear surgery takes about an hour and is performed under local anesthesia. However, before you make your correction operation of the ear is necessary you organized a meeting with our expert cosmetic surgeon and those in our clinic in Djerba to you given the maximum of information on the progress of the operation, costs, and procedures to do before the operation.


                Back: Plastic surgery.

                See as well:
                Ear Surgery: Fixed an earlobe.
                Ear Surgery: ear surgery.

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