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Treatment of double chin in Djerba

Polyclinic Djerba International is a comprehensive clinic located on the road of Sidi Salem and encompassing most medical and surgical specialties

            Polyclinic Djerba International is a comprehensive clinic located on the road of Sidi Salem and encompassing most medical and surgical specialties, surgical specialties among these one of the most important and most practiced in our clinic is cosmetic surgery or plastic surgery plastic surgery to when it contains several types of operations, one of them is plastic surgery treatment of double chin.

            Indeed, a neck lift or chin tuck treats the skin is loose and wrinkled on the chin and neck. What causes the phenomenon of double chin.

            Regarding the post operative care, treatment of double chin lasts about two hours and is performed under general anesthesia. In this way, our patient can go home the same day of his intervention.

            After a chin lift, our cosmetic surgeon applied directly a light bandage, it can be removed two days after the operation treatment of double chin.

            Initially, bruising and swelling can be presented, but after some time they will disappear spontaneously. Two weeks after your surgery chin sutures are gone. Initially, these scars are red and swollen, but after some time they will be hardly visible.

            The results of a double chin treatment of aesthetic surgery can be judged three months after surgery and they are final. But even before your operation, it is always better that we expect a glimpse of our cosmetic surgeon who will explain you the steps to follow and you can given the best advice for the success of your cosmetic surgical operation of double chin.


                Back: Plastic surgery.

                See as well:
                Chin implant AND CORRECTION OF CHIN: chin surgery.
                Chin implant AND CORRECTION OF CHIN: Neck lift.


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